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Friday, June 13, 2008
DVD "Sex Toys"

Sex Toys, starting with the inventions of ancient priestess of love and ending with modern assortment of “sex shops”, have always attracted people.
DVD “Sex Toys” tells about erotic devices, accessories for foreplays, sexy lingerie, intimate haircuts, and perfumes with pheromone.
Here, you can find a piece of advice in case that you decide to buy sex toys or supplementary information about sex toys.
In the category “Look as a weapon” you will find information about how you can change your look in a seductive sex-bomb or irresistible macho. Category “Effect amplifier” offers you information about different personal lubricants, prolongation lubes and stimulators.
Category “Hygiene and secure” provides us some protection methods, spermicidal lubes and sexual cosmetics.
If you are ready to try new bold experiments, want to experience something new, understand your own pleasure and do your sexual life differently and deliciously – this DVD is for you!
It isn’t recommended for persons who have more then 18 years. This program was tested by special expertise.
Particularity of this product:
- Revelation about sex toys;
- Secrets about pleasure prolongation;
- Sensual photos and video